Get Into The Grove
50ml Grove 42
15ml Bitter - we've used Peychauds Aperitvo, but you can use Campari or Aperol
1 tsp Passionfruit syrup
East Imperial Grapefruit Soda
Blood Orange Peel for garnish
Shake Grove, bitter, passionfruit and ice. Strain over fresh ice in wine glass and top with soda. Garnish with Blood Orange.
Father Rabbit's Burrow
50ml Garden 108
20ml Father Rabbit Rosemary & Cucumber Tonic Syrup
East Imperial Royal Botanic Tonic
Pea Shoots for garnish
Fill tumbler with ice. Add Garden, Syrup and top with tonic. Stir to mix. Garnish with a pea tendril nest.
Santa's Favourite
50ml Spice 94
100ml Karma Cola Ginger Beer
15ml Lime Juice
Fennel for garnish
Fill tumbler with ice. Add Spice, fresh lime and top with ginger beer. Garnish with a large stem of fennel. A huge thank you to Jasmin for spending the afternoon creating these incredible drinks for us.
Claudia xx
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